Pest Control & Additional Services

Andover Pest Control is thrilled to offer pest control across many different species. If you have a pest problem, we can help! We also offer a variety of additional services for your convenience! Check out the tabs below to learn more about the kinds of pests that we control and eliminate from your home, as well as our additional services.

  • There are a few common species of ants that can make their way into your home and cause and an annoying, unsightly, and potentially dangerous mess. Carpenter ants are the large black ones that build tunneled galleries and love to make their nest in wood and sawdust. Red ants can bite and while their venom is not extremely dangerous, it will cause itchy bumps that are uncomfortable. Then there are the small brown ants that gather in massive groups. Each of these can get into your home through cracks, open windows, and spaces in the foundation or walls.

    Ants are attracted to sweet, sticky, and strong smelling food or other odors, so keeping a clean kitchen area and removing trash from the home will help keep them away. If you catch a small group of ants right away, you can fend them off with a pest spray and clean up the area. If you’ve already got critters running around threatening to take over, Andover Pest Control can help. Ants can deposit their waste products in your home which will contaminate food and cause allergic reactions. We want to eliminate the health risk to you and your family. We will set up traps that have poisonous bait to lure and capture the ants for removal. If necessary, we will use chemicals to fumigate the home that will kill the ants but will not cause harm to people or pets. It can take a few days’ worth of applications to completely remove the infestation, so be patient and the experts at Andover Pest Control will thoroughly check to make sure all ants have been removed before calling the job complete.

  • Bed bugs are tiny, oval brown insects that love to burrow in linens and soft materials such as blankets, pillows, sheets, curtains, and clothing. They feed off of animal and human blood which they can obtain through dead skin cells and biting you. They do not transmit disease; however, they lay hundreds of eggs, multiply quickly, and are an extreme nuisance. Bed bugs can enter your home undetected through luggage, clothing, and used furniture and are active at night. They move very quickly so they can be hard to catch.

    Andover Pest Control will help you get rid of these gross, musty-smelling pests. First, we recommend that you wash all linens and materials affected by the bed bugs in hot water and dry on high. We will come in and use a chemical treatment that is safe for bedrooms and use a vacuum to gather up the dead bugs and remove them. To prevent the return of bed bugs in the future, in addition to washing all the linen materials in your home, get rid of old suitcases that are in bad repair, clean up clutter around your bed, replace mattress covers, and seal up any cracks in wallpaper or woodwork.

    Click For Bed Bug Checklist

  • Cockroaches are one of the most common pests that will infest your home or apartment. They can leave unpleasant odors, contaminate food, kitchen utensils and other household items. They move freely and can transfer microbes from filth to food. Many people are allergic to cockroach excrement and their shed skins too.

    Cockroaches can travel between walls, ceilings, windows, doors, gaps, vents and more. You’ll definitely want APC’s assistant in removing these pests.

  • Fleas are difficult to remove on your own. They multiply rapidly due to their short life cycle. Whether eggs, larvae, or adults, you’ll need help completely removing these pests from your home. The larvae and eggs are the hardest to remove completely, due to being stuck in carpets and crevices.

    You’ll want to treat your pets, your home, and your lawn as well. Luckily Andover Pest Control offers a great plan and can assist you in flea removal.

    Click For Flea Checklist

  • We are happy to offer the best problem animal control in the area! Have any unwanted animals?

    Andover Pest Control is licensed with Protective Animal Control (PAC) with the state of Massachusetts, so we offer wildlife control for bats, flying squirrels, grey squirrels, raccoons & more!

  • Since rodents are larger pests than others, they can cause significant damage to your home. If left alone too long, rodents can make a home unlivable. They love to rummage in cabinets and refrigerators where food is stored. They also leave their droppings behind creating a smelly, unsightly mess. If you suspect a rodent infestation, but haven’t seen them yet, here are some signs to watch out for:

    • droppings and urine puddles
    • squeaks, rustling, and scampering noises
    • nibble or gnaw marks on food packages
    • grease marks from the oil and dirt in their coats
    • a musty odor
    • dusty footprints

    Getting rid of these pests can start with setting traps, the traditional clamp kind which break the mouse or rat’s neck or the glue kind which stick their feet to the trap and prevent them from moving. If these vermin are in the wall, professionals like us are needed to either lure them out or create an opening in the wall to remove them and then seal it back up when we’re done. Once the rodents have been removed, disinfecting with bleach and water is recommended, using rubber gloves for cleaning and trash bags for contaminated materials. Then wash your hands thoroughly and open some windows for ventilation to air things out.

    Squirrels are another troublesome rodent, responsible for causing extensive damage to your building or home by gnawing through building materials and insulation. Squirrel exclusion is the best way to permanently control a squirrel infestation. We will provide a thorough inspection to determine how they are getting into the building/home, humanely remove the squirrels, and seal off any holes in your building or home’s structure, making further squirrel infestations unlikely. We can perform squirrel exclusion for the common grey squirrels or flying squirrels.

    Mice, rats, squirrels and other rodents can chew wires in your home, resulting in a fire hazard. If you feel you have any rodents present or are woken to a flying squirrel or other rodent, feel free to call our office to ask us about our “A.S.A.P. Service.”

  • While termites may seem small, their mobility and “teamwork” make them very destructive. These pests can chew through lead, asphalt, plaster, and mortar in search of wood to destroy. They like wood because that is their food source. They enter homes through soil, openings in woodwork, and rotted wood areas. If you see pellets that look like sawdust on your window sills, that may mean you have termites.

    If you have had your home inspected and have discovered a termite colony exists or do not know if they are still active, please call our office immediately and we will do a free inspection and develop a plan of action to eliminate an active colony.

    If you see a swarm of flying insects in the spring this could be a sign that there is an active colony under your home destroying the structure. Andover Pest uses state of the art Termiticides to rid your home of these damaging insects. We also provide termite baiting systems that protect your home from future invasions and acts as a warning system to the infiltration of termites. Once termites are detected APC will add a bait poison which the Termites share thus killing them off.

    For prevention, pressure treatments for wood and metal screen barriers will reduce the chances of termites getting in.

  • Bee and wasp infestations can be particularly troubling because of the painful sting they can deliver. They can be especially harmful to those who are allergic to the venom. Often, bees start outside the home by building a nest underneath mobile homes, in between roofing beams, or in attics or sheds. Bees will seek out a house when a hive splits and they need a new home. Honey bees can also build honeycombs and even produce honey that can ooze in and around your walls. They can also lay eggs and produce more bees. Bees and wasps usually make themselves easily visible and the hum of their buzzing is unmistakable. The weight of the honeycomb can damage walls, and honey and wax can stain. They also produce a distinct, strong odor. These insects can get in through open window sills, doorways, holes in screens, and cracks or open spaces. Like ants, they are also attracted to sweet substances and odorous trash.

    Andover Pest Control asks that you do not attempt to remove bees yourself. We will find the hive and remove it and the bees. We locate the bees and emit a smoke substance to calm the bees. Most of the time honeybees are building their hive inside walls and behind brick where they find voids to build. With this in mind your home may require some light carpentry/mason work, which Andover Pest will provide an estimate for the entire process from start to finish. Once a bee colony is located, APC will remove the Queen, workers and the honeycomb safely so they are not harmed. Honeybees help pollinate 40% of the crops that provide food for us, so they should not be harmed. We also take measures to dry up the nest and honeycomb and clean up any honey or droppings. Unlike other pests, where and when bees invade is mostly up to chance, so you most likely did nothing wrong to get bees in your home.

    With over 20,000 species of bees it can be hard for you to properly ID which types need to be exterminated and which ones need to be protected by safe removal. We advise people to call our office before you take actions such as sealing off entry points or spraying chemicals at bees/wasps before they are properly identified.

  • We use an organic product for our mosquito and tick applications that is 100% safe for kids and pets!

    This application kills and repels mosquitos and ticks during all stages of their life cycle. This greatly reduces the amount of mosquitos and ticks you’ll see in the treated area; allowing you to relax at home, in peace, away from pests.

    Contact our Tick & Mosquito sister company for more information!

  • Andover Pest Control overs a multitude of additional services for your convenience. Check out the list below and reach out to us with questions!

    • Clean Out Remediation – perfect for attics, basements & garages that have rodent contamination
    • Gutter Cleaning
    • Chimney Cap Installation
    Bat Exclusions & Bat House Installations
    • Rodent Damage Repairs

Pest ID

Not sure what kind of bug, insect, or pest you’re dealing with? Know what it is, but not sure what it does? Curious about what pests are in our area and what to keep and eye out for? Look below to identify your problem pest!

  • Ants are one of the most common and one of the most difficult pest to control in New England. Ants can be a nuisance pest with just a few scouts in your house looking for food and invading and contaminating food. However; they can harm your property by:

    • nesting in lawns
    • stealing seeds from seed beds
    • feeding on germinating seeds
    • defoliating or gnawing into plants and plant products
    • fostering other injurious insects like plant lice, mealy bugs and plant diseases and fungus
    • gnawing holes in fabrics
    • removing rubber insulation from telephone wires or other equipment
    • Carpenter Ants can even seriously damage wooden structures

    For immediate extermination call Andover Pest Control today!

  • The adult bed bug is oval and flat. They grow to only about a quarter of an inch long. Bed bugs lack wings, so you won’t see them flying around your bedroom. Under cover of darkness, they crawl in search of blood, preferably from a human. Bed bugs use a piercing, sucking to penetrate the skin of their host. Adults are brown, but appear reddish-brown when engorged with blood.

    Bed bug young look like smaller versions of their parents. First stage nymphs are colorless; with each molt, the nymph darkens. White eggs measure less than 1 mm in length, and may be laid singly or in clusters of up to 50 eggs.

    You won’t usually see bed bug activity during daylight hours, but you may see other signs of bed bugs. As nymphs molt, they leave behind their shedded skins, which accumulate as the population rises. Bed bug excrement appears as dark spots, and crushed bed bugs will leave bloody marks on bed linens.

    Click For Bed Bug Checklist

  • Carpenter bees are found throughout the United States. The most common and frequently encountered are large carpenter bees, which resemble bumble bees. Carpenter bees have shiny black dorsal abdomen surfaces, while bumble bees have yellow and black hairy abdominal surfaces.

    The carpenter bee is unique because it nests by boring holes into any dead wood that is available; be it a house, deck, fence, overhang, or windowsills. Although the holes may only appear to be a couple inches deep, they don’t stop there.

    After initially boring into the wood, the carpenter bee will make a 90 degree turn, tunneling an additional 6 inches to 4 feet. These tunnels serve as eggs chambers. After the initial tunnel is bored, they often bore many more branches off the original. A chewing noise may be observed several feet from where the bees excavate their galleries.

    After the nest is established, the female carpenter bee will forage for food. It is common to see the female buzzing around azaleas, daffodils, and pansies.

    Male bees also hang around flowers, although they are looking for potential mates. If someone walks by, the male bee will become curious and start buzzing around the person. This often has the appearance of an “attack;” however, male bees have no stingers. Female carpenter bees do have stingers, but have no interest in stinging people.

    For immediate removal please call Andover Pest Control!

  • Roaches form the oldest group of insects and have been around for over 300 million years. Roaches can be found throughout the area both indoors and out. They are some of the most common pests; infesting homes, restaurants, bakeries, hotels, and any place they can find food, water, and shelter.

    The most common cockroach is the German cockroach, but the American can also be found under the right conditions in the area. Roaches reproduce by gradual metamorphosis, with the life stages of egg, nymph and adult. The nymphs look very similar to the adults except they are smaller, do not possess wings and are not sexually mature. They feed on the same food items as the adults. Roaches can reproduce quickly, allowing large numbers of roaches to be found in the same area.

    Click For Cockroach Checklist

  • Rodents are mammals that are characterized by having two incisors, which must be kept short by gnawing as they grow continuously. Among the most common rodents are: mice, rats, chipmunks, and squirrels.

  • Silverfish are nocturnal, elongated and flattened insects typically 25 mm (0.5-1 in) long. Their abdomens taper at the end, giving them a fish-like appearance. The newly hatched are whitish, but develop a greyish hue and metallic shine as they get older. They have three long cerci at the tips of their abdomens, one off the end of their body, one facing left, and one facing right. They also have two small compound eyes, despite other members of Thysanura being completely eyeless, such as the family Nicoletiidae.

    Like other species in Apterygota, silverfish completely lack wings. They have long antennae, and move in a wiggling motion that resembles the movement of a fish. This, coupled with their appearance, influences their common name. Silverfish typically live for two to eight years.

  • There are approximately 40,000 known species of spiders worldwide. Most all spiders are beneficial due to the fact that their major food items are insects, so they help keep insect populations in check.

    In the U.S., only a few spiders are important from a human suffering standpoint such as the black widow, brown recluse and the hobo spiders, none of which our found in our area.

    Pest management of spiders concentrates on the elimination or reduction of the conditions that cause spiders to be present. By reducing the numbers of insects in a building, you can also reduce the number of spiders inside. Call Today!

  • Stink bugs are a family of insects belonging to order Hemiptera and include stink bugs and shield bugs.

    The scutellum body is typically half of an inch long, green or brown color, usually trapezoidal in shape, giving this family the name “shield bug.” The tarsi are 3-segmented. The forewings of stink bugs are called hemelytra, with the basal half thickened while the apex is membranous (as are the hindwings).

    The stink bug, also called stinkbug, derives its name from its tendency to eject a foul smelling glandular substance secreted from pores in the thorax when disturbed; in some species the liquid contains cyanide compounds with a rancid almond scent.

  • Termites are dangerous structural pests due to the fact that they attack the wood that we use to build structures and furniture with, as a food source. In the United States alone, it is estimated that termites are responsible for over 3 billion dollars worth of damage to structures every year.

    Termites are grouped into subterranean and non-subterranean termites. Subterranean termites live in the ground and the others may not. The subterranean termites are found in almost every state, except Alaska, with the Southeast U.S. having the heaviest concentration of any other region of the United States.

    Controlling termites requires an understanding of termite biology and behavior as well as an understanding of building construction. Professional pest management companies are equipped to control termites found in structures with a variety of techniques and equipment. A thorough inspection is the first step in determining if you have termites, and should be performed by a professional.

  • Some wasps/hornets are aggressive species, which sting when threatened, and, unlike bees, wasps are capable of stinging multiple times.

    Bees live in social groups called colonies and usually in a void called a hive. Mature colonies of bees may number in the thousands of individuals. Colonies consist of one queen bee, occasionally a few hundred males or drones and thousands of sterile females who are the workers and who provides the food and protection for the entire colony. Africanized honey bees are a strain of honey bees that are highly irritable and quickly agitated into stinging in large numbers. Stings from bees can be highly dangerous if the stings are numerous and/or the person is allergic to insect stings.

  • The Western Conifer Seed Bug has become a nuisance pest to some local residents. The bug has the habit of entering homes at the onset of cold weather in the late summer or early fall as it seeks a protected site to spend the winter. These bugs do not bite or sting, nor do they cause damage to the home. They will, however, give off a pungent odor if you handle them, which is part of the insect’s defensive strategy. They also may make a buzzing sound when flying.

    The Western Conifer Seed Bug belongs to the family Coreidae, commonly called leaf-footed bugs, and like many members of this family, it has a flattened, leaf-like expansion on the hind legs. The adult is about 3/4 inch (16-20 mm) in length and is dull brownish. There is a faint white zigzag stripe across the midpoint of its upper surface. When the insect takes flight, it lifts the wings to reveal bright yellowish orange areas on its back. These bugs use piercing-sucking mouthparts to pierce the scales of conifer seeds and suck out the seed pulp. The list of host plants includes white pine, red pine, Scotch pine, Austrian pine, mugo pine, white spruce, Douglas fir and hemlock.